Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Move Has Been Made

I know its quite apparent that this blog hasn't been updated in some time. As I write this, my parents, Randy and Roberta, have officially spent their first night in their new home in Haiti. My sister and I took them to the airport yesterday and they boarded a plane bound for Port au Prince. As hard as it was to see them leave and not know when I'll see them again, I was so happy because this is what they've been called by God to do. It's taken a lot of work and an even greater amount of faith but they are now full-time missionaries to the nation of Haiti.

They have yet to raise the monthly support that they need in order to meet their living expenses. They left and went by faith. They are believing that God will supply the funds necessary for them to survive each month. It's imperative that they raise at least $2,000.00 per month. It seems like such an enormous amount of money but if each person that reads this could give something...even $5.00, it would add up. When you think about it, $5.00 is trivial to most of us. It's a Starbucks coffee or a value meal at McDonalds. But $5.00 to my parents is money spent helping to save a child's life. It's money spent to feed starving people and to provide them with fresh drinking water and medical care. Please pray and ask what God would have you to do to help my parents out. Your donation or even monthly contribution will mean that you are playing an integral part in changing lives on a daily basis. You will play a part in giving someone a tomorrow.

If you would like information on how to assist in providing a monthly donation or if you'd like to be on my parent's mailing list, then please email me at ourheartsforhaiti at gmail dot com.

Thanks so much for your prayers, love and support and I will keep this updated with news from my parents in Haiti as well as pictures of them as they go about their work there.

God Bless


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